Friday, April 24, 2015

You Should Be Offended

There seems to be a direct correlation between low intellect and becoming offended. When someone is offended, they tend to act irrational, letting primitive emotions take over. Once in this mindset, the ability to rationalize and think logically is diminished. Those that find themselves offended more often may lack a certain degree of foresight and sensibility, as it is evident becoming offended and reacting emotionally rarely lead to a suitable solution. So this means that people with lower intelligence are more likely to be offended more often, since becoming offended is typically caused by frustration due to a lack of comprehension or understanding in a situation. For instance ->

"Mom's Against... "

Bored and feeble mothers have been teaming up for a while now, to whine and complain about everything from Marilyn Manson to video games. Instead of taking responsibility and investing some time, effort and thought into raising their children they're reaching out to rest the blame for their own incompetence on anyone and everything else.


If you try hard enough, you can argue any issue is a racial issue.


Misguided and uninformed teens crying foul on Tumblr has become an overnight trend. These are not actual feminists arguing for equal rights or discussing social constructs. These are confused high school kids and/ or college age know-it-alls trying to find anything that can be construed as offensive.

Also, it should be noted that the word "offended" is interchangeable with the following; enraged, outraged, insulted, ashamed, humiliated, ridiculed. So finally, if you're offended by any of this, just ask yourself "Am I an idiot?"

Brand New - Mene

Although I was listening to Brand New in high school, around the time "Deja Entendu" came out in 2003, I didn't have the same appreciation for them that I have now. The band just recently released a new song, their first in six years. I love that they refer to themselves as simply a "punk rock band" via their website. I love that they still write songs with the same intensity as when they started. And I love that they're back after six years, generating the same energy and excitement.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

I'm done with Tumblr

Even from the beginning Tumblr always seemed somewhat difficult to use, seemingly by design. And nothing ever worked exactly the way it should. The page headers didn't stay fixed, video and picture alignment would occasionally shift to the left and editing text format required a great deal of patience.

Over the last few years, Tumblr has removed much of its functionality and outward customization. It's no longer possible to edit pictures once you've uploaded them. It's also essentially impossible to upload a song without owning the rights to it, even though there remains a default option to do so. Worst of all, you can no longer edit HTML within a post.

Tumblr has always been poorly scripted and infested with bugs and hipsters. It's time I moved on.

Hashtag done with Tumblr.